Hey family! It's Sydney, Founder and CEO of The Noble Brand. As we are in the heart of celebrating our birthday I wanted to take time and reflect on the journey…
As many may not know, The Noble Brand was originally established in 2016 as a clothing line. *insert shock and awe gif here* lol. IKR! Who would have thought we would be here in this capacity? Although a different medium then, our message was always the same: promoting self-love, and self-care.
During our earliest years, we decided to launch a trial candle line in accessory to a collection of shirts we launched. And who would have guessed… THE CANDLES WERE A HIT! And that's when I knew it was destiny to make the pivot to become a full home fragrance company, and this month we celebrate our fourth birthday as such!
Candles were such an integral part of my own personal self-care practice as an aide in enhancing the spaces in which I was doing my self-work. It was something about being in a space that felt safe, cozy, and zen that allowed me to let my guard down and just BE in the moment. It is this personal experience that I wish for everyone who tries our products and comes across our brand.
The road to get to this point has been amazing. Over the years the business has morphed and grown as I have grown as a person. Up until 2020, I was a one-woman show handling product development, marketing, customer support, sales, and everything else. But when I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, it completely changed my day-to-day life. The disease attacked my body, making it physically impossible for my to continue on my own so I turned to my family and friends for help, and they jumped in to support me in pushing The Noble Brand forward. “Asking for help has been the biggest blessing for the brand because it has grown in ways I could not have done myself.” If it wasn't for them I honestly don't know how far the brand would have made it.
Just like I am thankful to my personal family and friends for helping keep the brand alive through difficult times, I am equally appreciative of our community. It has always been my top priority to make our community’s desires and needs our #1 importance. At the end of the day, it isn’t about me. It’s about my customers, the community we’ve built, and everybody who loves the brand. If I’m not serving them, then what am I doing?
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